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Shop at CWM

Many of our very talented team have books, art, and music albums which you can purchase to bless and inspire you and your friends for years to come.

CWM Prayer Diary


This prayer diary has been developed as a simple tool to help individuals or groups to pray on a daily basis for their communities.


The suggestion is that you pray for a different sector of your community each day, covering the issues that are locally relevant. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as to what to pray for and how to pray. There is room to make a note of the date you begin to pray and to record the date those prayers are answered.


These wonderful 12 page booklets will be available for £1 each or if you require more for home groups or Churches do contact us as we may be able to provide a discount for bulk orders. Email for more info

Prayer keys for Transformation





What is prayer?  Is prayer for everyone?  How should we pray?  How long should we pray?  Where should we pray?  Why is prayer not always answered in the way we expect?


As Christians we acknowledge that prayer is necessary, but many of us are not sure we are qualified to pray publicly, to attend the prayer meeting, or to be an intercessor. We do not know how to develop our personal prayer life and so settle for ten minutes in the morning of petition.  “Lord bless my family, my church, my friends, and my nation Amen.”


For most of us the greatest difficulty in our Christian life is our prayer lives.  Prayer is not just an obligation or a ritual, it is a wonderful relationship, a friendship, a two-way conversation with the living God.  Prayer is a two-way relationship where we can share our hearts, and our heavenly Father shares His. He has promised never to leave us or forsake us and so we can talk with Him any time, any place - in our homes, in our car, on the street or wherever we are and whenever we want to.


Price will be available once it has gone to the printers.


Extravagant Fire book

Sue's 1st book uses the illustration of controlled burning, sometimes also known as prescribed burning.  This fire not only burns up all the dead wood, rot and decay but also causes seeds of life to germinate that have lain dormant for years. This controlled fire brings abundant life and that is why it is EXTRAVAGANT FIRE …


Sue believed that when she began going to Church she had signed up for nothing less than was experienced by the Church in Acts 2.  Sue shares her journey through the EXTRAVAGANT FIRE to encountering the God of the miraculous. 


Sue is from Liverpool, a gateway place and she is very passionate about the region where she was born.  Sue shares some of the practical stories of transformation that have seen Liverpool arise from the ashes of the past.  This includes how an amazing awesome God takes an ordinary broken dysfunctional woman and loves, cleanses and heals her before taking her into places of governmental power to bring dramatic shifts and changes. 


EXTRAVAGANT FIRE will bring you hope and raise your levels of expectation that God can and does use very ordinary people for extraordinary exploits.  It shares the story the God that takes very ordinary people, transforms their lives and causes them to be agents of transformation.


It will encourage the reader with real stories of healing and reconciliation in both relationships and issues of the land with recent stories that demonstrate the glory of God.

Extravagant Adventures

Sue's 2nd book describes what happens when God takes ordinary people and uses them to do amazing things.  Life with Jesus can be an exhilarating adventure, when God speaks to you and you simply do what He tells you to do, anything can happen.


This book tells of the exploits of Sue and the Community Watchmen Ministries Team (CWM).  Coming from Liverpool, a gateway place, they have learned to follow the Lord as He has opened many doors into the nations and corridors of power.


Read the amazing stories of how simply receiving pieces of coal has led them on journeys to Northern Ireland, Belgium, the USA and many other nations.


EXTRAVAGANT ADVENTURES will raise your levels of faith and confidence in what God can do through very ordinary people. You will read miraculous stories of God transforming cities and shifting nations. Hopefully you too will be released to start on your own adventures with Jesus.

Extravagant Breakthroughs book

Sue's 3rd book charts the incredible journey of taking one step at a time, until we began to see breakthroughs that are on a mammoth city wide and national scale.  It records a journey of twenty years and the amazing lessons learned of standing between heaven and earth to heal broken history and release God's destiny. 


The book is called Extravagant Breakthroughs because it tells the stories of very ordinary people who have done what they can do, accompanied by an incredible extravagant God who brings the breakthroughs.  I encourage you to do all God calls you to do and then watch what He does! 


The Venerable Mike McGurk - Archdeacon of Liverpool said, "Sue is the real deal. She has an Ephesian 4 gift of a Prophet, not just an ability to prophesy, which she has used for many years here in the Liverpool City Region and also as the Spirit has led, in others Nations. Her desire is to speak the word of God, seeking God for breakthrough in the heavens and spiritual realms, as well as here on earth. She has experienced God’s favour, through her willingness to intercede and pray, gathering others around her, crying out on behalf of cites and nations. God has heard her cry and is healing the land and the city. This book highlights her obedience to God and her willingness to be used in ‘Extravagant Breakthroughs’. It’s a great read for ordinary people being used by an extraordinary God to bring about change and breakthrough. This book will help us all fulfil the call upon God’s church to “rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long devastated; they will renew the ruined cities that have been devastated for generations.” Happy reading."

Tracy is married to Rog, with five daughters, is an illustrator and writer with a passion for telling stories in a playful, engaging, and colourful way. She enjoys seeing the humour in the ordinary and helping children learn about complicated subjects, using illustration and playfulness as a way in. Tracy has worked as a journalist for over three decades, but also has a first class BA Hons and MA (Dist) in Illustration. Tracy is currently studying for a PhD in Art & Design, looking at the value of playfulness.


Facing the Future is a fun-packed illustrated 306-page hard back book full of quirky faces Tracy discovered on her daily walk and runs.  Every day a face popped up in the everyday, ordinary object, whether it was a pavement, pole, bark, gate or implement. Accompanied by inspiring text, this new book is punctuated with playfulness that will challenge you to look around with a new perspective.

Tracy's other amazing books include:


The Canary Sings

Capel Cochineal and Stanley Sheep's School Project - Stroud's String of Pearls

Taking A Leaf Out Of The Good Book

My Twin Sisters - Spag & Bol


Tracy Spiers

Facing the Future

Julie Dunning

A collection of paintings and prints using acrylic paints, expressing God's goodness and creation.  Click on the logo below to go to Julie's Facebook page.

Art through Faith logo

Becky Smout

We are thrilled that Becky is a powerful member of the CWM Team and we love her gift of prophetic art.  She has her own Facebook page "Becky Whitlock Creates" where you can connect with her.  If you are interested in purchasing some of her beautiful artwork, feel free to email her on the link below.

Freedom at last

Jean Dobson


A journey out of debilitating thoughts and feelings to freedom.

Would you like to be free of those seemingly unsurmountable debilitating thoughts and feelings? Darkness can blind our vision. Light will always dispel the darkness. By never giving up, learn how Jean was able to break through and defeat the giants that had held her down. Freedom really is possible.

“We all need hope …. and this book points the way to find it.” 
Revd J R Kearns Pastor of Hope Community Church Aintree 

“Powerful, honest and vulnerable, this book will be a valuable help for those on their road to healing and freedom.”
Sue Sinclair Community Watchman Ministries 

“The overall message of this book is never lose hope, hope in a loving, living God.”
Rev Dave Connolly Founder of Gather to be Scattered

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